The Daily WORD

Pressed In Faith
To believe - you must step out of yourself - your personal knowledge - in faith and train your heart and mind to trust in Jesus in all situations. He...
Pressed In Faith
To believe - you must step out of yourself - your personal knowledge - in faith and train your heart and mind to trust in Jesus in all situations. He...

Releasing Anxiety
The Lord is always communicating in the spirit, when you are communicating with him. This is how he provides directions and tells you what he wants you to do. It...
Releasing Anxiety
The Lord is always communicating in the spirit, when you are communicating with him. This is how he provides directions and tells you what he wants you to do. It...

Faith Everlasting
There is no situational hardship that separates us from God. His love passes through every situation and is not bound by time. Jesus is the foundation that does not break...
Faith Everlasting
There is no situational hardship that separates us from God. His love passes through every situation and is not bound by time. Jesus is the foundation that does not break...

Separate From Self
For the Holy Spirit of Christ to dwell in you - you must be re-born and also intentionally follow him. The Spirit does not dwell in those that choose the...
Separate From Self
For the Holy Spirit of Christ to dwell in you - you must be re-born and also intentionally follow him. The Spirit does not dwell in those that choose the...

Watch For Distractions
There is no storm too great for the Lord to calm and tame. There is no situation in which he will not guide you through. There is no thing he...
Watch For Distractions
There is no storm too great for the Lord to calm and tame. There is no situation in which he will not guide you through. There is no thing he...

The True King
Jesus is Lord of the living. Faith in him is not to be haphazard or halfway. You either recognize Jesus as the risen Lord who can do all things or...
The True King
Jesus is Lord of the living. Faith in him is not to be haphazard or halfway. You either recognize Jesus as the risen Lord who can do all things or...