The Kings
The 1st King chosen by God was Saul, son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin.
King – Saul, son of Kish
Tribe / Family – Benjamin
Order Sequence Historically - 1
How selected – Chosen by God – Anointed by Samuel the Prophet / seer
Years as King - 40-42 (1052BC - 1010BC)
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Did not wait for Samuel to Sacrifice to God, instead Saul made an improper hasty sacrifice improperly.
2. Did not kill as commanded all enemies and livestock, but rather kept the best stuff as his men demanded they keep some plunder.
3. Trying to kill David repeatedly.
4. Consulting a medium. He called up Samuel the night before his death.
Results – Constant War. Saul was bitter and a weak leader, always giving in to popular opinion instead of trusting, waiting and seeking The Lord.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Killed in battle after serving as King for 40 years.
After Saul and (3) of his sons were killed. David moved back to a town in Judah, Hebron, where he became king for 7.5 years. The provinces of Gilead, Jezreel, Ephraim, Benjamin, the land of the Ashurites and all the rest of Israel chose Saul’s son Ishbosheth as their King. He was aided in becoming King by Abner, the commander of Saul’s Armies. Abner and Saul were 1st cousins. Ishbosheth ruled from Mahanaim.
After some years, Ishbosheth foolishly accused Abner of sleeping with one of Saul’s previous concubines / girlfriends. Abner got mad and decided to take Ishbosheth’s territory and give it to David.
While Abner came to David and told him his plan, David happily agreed, but Joab immediately heard Abner was moving around safely in the area. Joab was mad and waiting to kill Abner since Abner killed Asahel, who is Joab’s brother. So Joab sent a message to Abner to come back so he met him and he and his other brother Abishai killed Abner because he killed their brother Asahel in the battle of Gibeon.
King – David, Son of Jesse
Tribe / Family – Judah
Order Sequence Historically - 2
How selected – Chosen by God – Anointed by Samuel the Prophet / Seer
Years as King – 40, 7.5 In Hebron (1010BC - 1003BC) – Judah (1003 - 970BC), 33 Over all Israel
Obedient - Yes
Disobedient – Yes
1. Planning to sleep with Bathsheba.
2. Sleeping with Bathsheba.
3. Planning to have her husband, Uriah, a man of faith, to be killed.
4. Allowing Uriah to be killed.
5. Taking a census to determine strength as opposed to trusting God.
Results – Faithful and repentant for his mistakes. Died peacefully with Honor.
Final Recorded allegiance – Dedicated to The Lord
King – Solomon, Son of David (The Lord named Solomon Jedidiah)
Tribe / Family – Judah
Order Sequence Historically - 3
How selected – Chosen by David
Years as King - 40 (970BC - 931BC)
Obedient – Yes - During Youth
Disobedient – Yes
1. Marrying Foreign wives (Non-Believers)
2. Built altars to fake Gods.
3. Offered Sacrifices to fake Gods.
Final Recorded allegiance – Not dedicated to The Lord. All of his wives and concubines (girlfriends) pulled his heart away from the Lord and he built many altars and sacrificed to many fake Gods of these women.
**Since Solomon turned from God to worship other Gods, God said he would remove 10 tribes of Israel and split them apart from Judah. For David’s sake, he would allow one of David’s decedents to remain King in Judah.
Start of Split Kingdom / Land
King – Rehoboam
Start Age – 41 years old
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 4 / 1st Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Solomon
Years as King – 17 (931 BC - 914 BC)
Prophets Involved – Shemaiah – Man of God, told Rehoboam not to fight Jeroboam (Israel) because they are relatives.
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Worse sin than previous ancestors.
2. Built Pagan shrines, sacred pillars, Asherah poles
3. Male and female prostitution in wide availability
Final Recorded allegiance – Attacked by Shishak of Egypt in 5th year of rule. He ransacked the temple treasuries and the palace. Took Solomons gold shields. Constant War between Israel and Judah. His harsh response immediately after being named King, split the kingdom forever. Never reuniting as a people. Rehoboam tried to restore order in Israel, but his Director of Labor, Adoniram, was killed by the people. Rehoboam immediately fled to Jerusalem and the kingdom / land / tribe split started. This split was Northern Land vs Southern land, which is Israel vs Judah. Judah is in the South of the land. Judah and Benjamin were the only tribes left for a descendant of David for the Southern Kingdom.
King – Jeroboam
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Shecem in the Hill Country of Ephraim
Order Sequence Historically – 4 / 1st Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – People of Israel
Years as King – 22 years (931 BC - 910 BC)
Prophets Involved – Ahijah from Shiloh – He told Jeroboam that God was going to remove all but one tribe of Jacob from the house of David. Thus, separating Israel and Judah from that point on. Never to be united as a people again.
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Results – False God’s set-up – He made (2) gold calves and said they are the Gods that brought he people out of Egypt. He placed them in Bethel and in Dan. Both ends of his Kingdom.
2. Ordained false priests
3. Instituted fake religious festivals
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient – Awful Person, The Lord declared destruction on his entire family. Official Split of the kingdom takes place when Rehoboam takes bad advice from his friends and gives a harsh response when he was anointed the king.
King – Nadab
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Shechem in the Hill Country of Ephraim
Order Sequence Historically – 5 / 2nd Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Jeroboam
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab
Years as King – 2 (910 BC - 909 BC)
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as his father Jeroboam
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient – Assassinated by Baasha. Baasha killed all of Jeroboams descendants.
King – Abijam
Start Age –
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 6 / 2nd Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Rehoboam – Mother was Maacah, granddaughter of Absalom
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah
Years as King – 3 (914 BC - 911 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Not faithful
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Constant war between Israel and Judah – Abijah vs Jeroboam
King – Asa
Start Age –
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 7 / 3rd Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Abijah – Grandmother was Maacah
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa
Years as King – 41 (911 BC - 870 BC)
Prophets Involved – Azariah, son of Oded. He told Asa that those that stick with the Lord will be protected but if you abandon him, he will abandon you. After hearing the message, he took courage and removed detestable idols and he repaired the altar of the Lord in front of the entry room of the Temple.
Hanani the seer told Asa that he should not have paid Baasha but relied on the Lord as he did when Ethiopia attacked him. He said he would have destroyed the King of Aram if he would have trusted the Lord.
Obedient – Yes
1. Banished male and female shrine prostitutes
2. Removed previous idols.
3. Deposed his grandmother Maacah, granddaughter of Absalom from her position as Queen Mother because she made an obscene Asherah pole.
4. Faithful Heart
5. Brought Treasures into the Temple
Disobedient – Yes – At the End of his life.
Final Recorded allegiance – Faithful to the Lord. Constant war between Judah and Israel. Asa vs Baasha. Paid for help from Aram, Ruling from Damascus, to attack Baasha – Israel. Feet became diseased in his old age. Many people from other tribes moved into the Southern area under Asa because they saw God was with him. Asa turned to anger after his meeting with Hanani and Asa put him in prison and started to oppress his people. He never turned back to God for help even when his feet had a serious disease.
King – Jehoshaphat
Start Age – 35
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 8 / 4th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Asa
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat
Years as King – 25 years (872 BC - 848 BC)
Prophets Involved – Micaiah, Elisha, Jehu, son of Hanani the seer, Jahaziel, Eliezer
Micaiah told Ahab and Jehoshaphat not to fight and recover Ramoth-Gilead because they wound not be successful and Ahab would die. Micaiah confidently spoke what The Lord said and Ahab put him in prison without food.
Jehoshaphat and Israels King, Joram and The King of Edom consulted Elisha when they had no water on their way to fight Moab. Elisha prayed and water pooled from the ground and refreshed the people and animals.
Jehu told Jehoshaphat that God was not happy he teamed up with evil Israel.
Jahaziel, son of Zechariah got a word during Jehoshaphat’s prayer about the armies of Ammon, Moab and Mount seir. He told them what the Lord wanted them to do and the victory would be from The Lord alone.
Eliezer, son of Dodavahu, from Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat because he again allied himself with evil Israel, king Ahaziah.
Obedient – Yes
1. Pleasing to The Lord
2. Banished prostitution
Disobedient – Yes
1. Failed to remove all the pagan shrines
2. Made peace with Israel
Final Recorded allegiance – Faithful to the Lord. Built a fleet of trading ships, but they never sailed. He sent the priests and faithful followers of God out to all the towns teaching the people God’s law. He was very wealthy and stored numerous supplies through a variety of towns. He made an alliance with evil Ahab of Israel. He had his son marry Ahabs daughter creating a new line of disobedience. When they went into battle and Jehoshaphat and Ahab were the only obvious targets of the enemy, Jehoshaphat called out to God and was spared but a wild arrow struck a disguised Ahab and he died later that day.
King – Baasha
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Shechem in the Hill Country of Ephraim
Order Sequence Historically – 6 / 3rd Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assassinated predecessor Nadab
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha
Years as King – 24 (909 BC - 886 BC)
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as Jeroboam
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient
King – Elah
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Tirzah
Order Sequence Historically – 7 / 4th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Father Baasha
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah
Years as King – 2 (886 BC - 885 BC)
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as Jeroboam
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient – Assassinated by Zimri. Zimri killed Baasha entire family.
King – Zimri
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Tirzah
Order Sequence Historically – 8 / 5th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assassinated Predecessor Elah
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri
Years as King – 7 days (885 BC) – Burned down the citadel in the palace and killed himself
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as Jeroboam
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient – Suicide __________________________________________
King – Omri
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. 6 years ruled in Tirzah. Bought the hill known as Samaria, built a city and lived there.
Order Sequence Historically – 9 / 6th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Split decision by the people of Isreal
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri
Years as King – 12 years (885 BC - 874 BC)
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as Jeroboam
2. Worse than Jeroboam
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient –
King – Ahab
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 10 / 7th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Omri – His Son
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab
Years as King – 22 years (874 BC - 853 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elijah – In advance of speaking Gods word, The Lord increased his faith by feeding him with Ravens, living with a woman and her son and getting by with olive oil that did not run out, then he brought back to life her son, that died.
Elijah anoints Elisha to replace him.
Ahab witnessed the power of God through Elijah 1st hand.
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Same sins as Jeroboam
2. Worse than Jeroboam
3. Built an Altar to Baal in Samaria
4. Provoked God more than any other person before him
5. Sold himself to complete evil under the influence of his wife Jezebel.
6. Worst offense was worshipping idols like the Amorites. The people the Lord drove out in favor of Israel.
Final Recorded allegiance – Repentant / Obedient – Elijah told him of the sure death and family destruction that The Lord had pronounced on him. Ahab tore his clothes, dressed in burlap and fasted in deep mourning. Becuase of Ahabs change towards God, The Lord relented in punishing him as he said, but rather deemed it for his sons. Died in battle, while in his chariot, when he and Judah – Jehosophat went to battle against the arameans. The Prophet Micaih told him not to go into battle in advance. __________________________________________
King – Ahaziah
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 11 / 8th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Ahab – Son of Ahab
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah
Years as King – 1 (853 BC - 852 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elijah – Delivered direct message that Jehoram would die from his injuries when he fell through his lattice work in his home. (2) sets of 50 men burned up from fire called down from heaven by Elijah.
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. Died from injuries in fall at his home. He had no son as an heir, so his brother became king.
King – Jehoram
Start Age – 32
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 9 / 5th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Jehoshaphat
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram
Years as King – 8 years (853 BC - 841 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elijah
Elijah wrote Jehoram a letter that said he had not followed his father Jehoshaphats or grandfather Asa in following the Lord, but rather followed the evil kings of Israel, so he would be destroyed and personally suffer a severe intestinal disease that will get worse each day until his bowels come out.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Wicked as Ahab. He married one of Ahabs daughters.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Edom became independent from Judah since he tried to take over the land and his men deserted him. Once he was established, he killed all of his brothers, who were all wealthy and leaders of towns. Because he abandoned God, God was against him. The Lord stirred up the Philistines and the Arabs, who lived near the Ethiopians. They marched against Judah, breaking down their defenses and carrying away anything of value, including the kings wives and sons. Only his son Ahaziah was spared. Jehoram was struck by The Lord with an incurable intestinal disease that got worse daily for 2 years. Then, his bowels came out and he died in agony. There was not much a funeral and he was not buried in the Royal cemetery.
King – Joram
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 12 / 9th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Brother of Ahaziah, Ahaziah died without a son – son of Ahab
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram
Years as King – 12 years (852 BC - 841 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elisha
Obedient - No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. Asked Ahaziah to go to war against Aram, (King Hazael). Joram was injured in the battle, Ahaziah visited him at Jezreel. Assassinated by Jehu by shooting him in the back with an arrow as he turned to drive away in his chariot. Mother was Jezebel.
King – Ahaziah
Start Age – 22
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 10 / 6th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Chosen by Jehoram – His Son
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah
Years as King – 1 Year (841 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elisha
1. Summoned one of his prophet friends to go to Ramoth-Gilead, find Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi. Then, he said pull him aside, when he is alone, anoint him with oil and make him King over Israel. The young prophet told Jehu to kill all the relatives of Ahab.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Related to Ahab’s family. Just as Evil.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Related to Ahab’s family. Mother was Athaliah, granddaughter of King Omri of Israel. Joined Joram, son of Ahab, in war against Aram at Ramoth, (King Hazael). Joram was injured in the battle, Ahaziah visited him at Jezreel. Assassinated by Jehu’s men as he saw Joram get killed and he tried to get away also. His mother always encouraged him to do the wrong things, evil things. Ahabs family became his advisors after his father died.
King – Jehu
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 13 / 10th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Anointed by word from Elisha through another prophet. He assassinated the evil king Joram of Israel and evil king Ahaziah of Judah at Jezreel. Had all 70 sons of Ahab murdered as directed by The Lords prophecy and Queen Mother, evil Jezebel.
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu
Years as King – 28 years (841 BC - 814 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elijah, Elisha
Obedient – Yes
1. The lord told him he followed his instructions well enough to have a descendant be King of Israel for 4 generations.
2. Destroyed all worshippers of Baal.
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
2. Did not obey the Lord with all his heart.
Final Recorded allegiance - Followed instructions but was not obedient to the laws and regulations the Lord gave through Moses. Territory greatly reduced. King Hazael (Aram), took control of the land east of the Jordan river, all of Gilead, Gad, Reuben, Manassah. He conquered from the southern town of Aroer, by the Arnon Gorge to as far North as Gilead and Bashan.
King – Jehoahaz
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 14 / 11th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son of Jehu
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz
Years as King – 17 years (814 BC - 798 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elisha
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
2. Allowed Asherah pole in Samaria to stay up.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. He was repeatedly defeated by King Hazael of Aram and also his son, Ben-hadad. Jehoahaz prayed for help becuase of this, The Lord helped him by providing someone to rescue the Israelites from the tyranny of the Arameans, but they continued sinning. Jehoahaz army was reduced to only 50 charioteers, 10 chariots, 10,000 foot soldiers.
King – Athaliah – Mother of King Ahaziah
Start Age –
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 11 / 7th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son, King Ahaziah, was assassinated by Jehu.
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijam, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah
Years as King – 7 years (841 BC - 835 BC)
Prophets Involved – Jehoiada, the priest
1. He summoned the courage to make a pact with the army commanders, the Levites and Joash, the young son of Ahaziah, that was hidden away for 6 years by the daughter of King Jehoram, his aunt, to make him King.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Related to Ahab’s family. Just as Evil.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Began to destroy the royal family. Ahaziah's sister, Jehosheba, daughter of King Jehoram (Judah), took Ahaziah's infant son, Joash, stole him and hide him, with his nurse, inside a bedroom within the temple of the lord for 6 years. When Athaliah heard the commotion from Joash being crowned king, she came outside, yelled treason and tore her clothes. Jehoiada ordered she be taken and killed, away from the temple.
King – Joash
Start Age – 7
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 12 / 8th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Ahaziah, hidden by Jehoiada. Jehoiada organized a coup against evil Mother Athaliah before she could gain full power and kill the entire royal family line.
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash
Years as King – 40 years (835 BC - 796 BC)
Prophets Involved – Jehoiada, the priest. He was buried with the Kings. Zechariah, son of Jehoida.
1. Organized the Godly people to unite against Athaliah so the proper King could be named.
2. Zechariah told the people and Joash to be obedient to the Lord. Joash ordered him killed. His last words were, “Mat the Lord see what they are doing and avenge my death.”
Obedient – Yes
He was pleasing to the Lord while Jehoiada was alive instructing him.
Disobedient – Yes
1. Did not destroy pagan shrines.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. He set up the offerings at the Temple to be used for repairs, however, after many years, the priests did not have this done as they used all the monies for personal use. In the 23rd year of Joash’s reign, he put his foot down to have all the funds be used and managed by the people doing the repairs. All of the money was used for construction repairs. The guilt and sin offerings were used for the Priests personal use. He sent ALL the dedicated money, gold, silver and objects that Jehoshaphat, Jehoram and Ahaziah, along with his own dedications, and all the gold in the Temple and Palace to King Hazael (Aram) who had just defeated Gath (West of Jerusalem) and was heading to Joash, so he wouldn't fight them and destroy everything. Hazael took the funds and called off the attack. Joash was assassinated by his own officers. He was killed by (2) of his most trusted advisors. After Jehoiada died, Joash was easily persuaded to stop following The Lord. Joash murdered Jehoiada’s son. Judgement was carried out on Joash and the corrupt leaders. He was assassinated for murdering the son of Jehoiada the priest. He was not buried in the royal cemetery. He was killed by Jozacar and Jehozabad.
King – Amaziah
Start Age – 25
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 13 / 9th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Joash
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah
Years as King – 29 years (796 BC - 767 BC)
Prophets Involved –
1. A man of God told him not to hire any troops from Israel because God is not with any of them and he would lose the battle if they went. Amaziah had already paid for the troops, but the Man of God told him not to worry about it, so Amaziah listened.
However, after defeating Edom, he took their idols and set them up as his own Gods and he bowed down to them.
2. God sent another prophet to ask Amaziah why he turned to Gods that could not save their own people. But Amazaiah told him to be quiet or he would kill him. The prophet left him with a warning that God would destroy him because he would not listen to counsel.
Obedient – Yes
He did what was pleasing to the Lord, but not like David.
Disobedient – Yes
1. Did not destroy pagan shrines.
2.Turned from listening to prophet's advice.
Final Recorded allegiance – When he was established, he executed the officials that assassinated his father, Joash. He killed 10,000 edomites in the valley of salt. He conquered Sela (petra) and renamed it Joktheel. Solicited a fight with Israel (King Jehoash). Israel (King Jehoash) defeated Judah (Amaziah) at Beth-shemesh. Jehoash captured Amazaiah, went to Jerusalem, tore down 600 feet of wall, from the Ephraim gate to the Corner gate. He took all the Gold, silver, etc from the temple and the palace. Lived for 15 years after Jehoash died. Amaziah fled to Lachish after he learned of a conspiracy against him. He was assassinated there anyway.
King – Jehoash
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 15 / 12th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son of Jehoahaz
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash
Years as King – 16 years (798 BC - 782 BC)
Prophets Involved – Elisha
1. Jehoash went to visit Elisha when Elisha was in his final sickness. Elisha told him he would defeat the King of Aram (3) times. Then Elisha died and was buried.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. King Hazael of Aram died in this time and his son, Ben-hadad took over. Jehoash defeated Ben-hadad on (3) occasions, meaning he kept him from taking over all of Israel (3) different times. Jehoash captured Amaziah (King of Judah), went to Jerusalem, tore down 600 feet of wall, from the Ephraim gate to the Corner gate. He took all the Gold, silver, etc from the temple and the palace.
King – Jeroboam II
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 16 / 13th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son of Jehoash
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II
Years as King – 41 years (793 BC - 753 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. The Lord used him, even though he was evil, to rescue the Israelites that had been suffering bitterly between Lebo-hamath and the Dead Sea. There was no other person to help.
King – Uzziah
Start Age – 16
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 14 / 10th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Amaziah
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah
Years as King – 52 years (790 BC - 739 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – Yes
He did what was pleasing to the Lord, but not like David.
Disobedient – Yes
1. Did not destroy pagan shrines.
2. He personally entered the Lords sanctuary of the temple and personally burned incense on the incense altar. He was confronted by Azariah the high priest and 80 other brave priests of the Lord. Uzziah was holding an incense burner and became furious with them. As he raged, leprosy broke out on his forehead. The priests rushed him out as they noticed the leprosy.
Final Recorded allegiance – He rebuilt the tower of Elath. Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear God. As long as Uzziah sought guidance from the Lord, God gave him success. He declared war on the Philistines and God helped him in his wars with the Philistines, his battles with the Arabs of Gur, and his wars with the Meunites. He built fortified towers, constructed forts in the wilderness and dug many water cisterns. He kept great herds of livestock in the foothills of Judah. He loved the soil. He built structures on the walls of Jerusalem, designed by experts, to protect those who shot arrows and hurled large stones from the towers and the corners of the wall. He became very powerful and also very proud, which led to his downfall. The Lord struck him with Leprosy and he had it until he died. He lived in isolation while his son, Jotham governed. He was buried in a nearby burial field belonging to the Kings.
King – Zechariah
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 17 / 14th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son of Jeroboam II
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah
Years as King – 6 months (753 BC - 752 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. He was assassinated in public by Shallum. This ended Jehu’s family having 4 generations of kings.
King – Jotham
Start Age – 25
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 15 / 11th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Uzziah
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham
Years as King – 16 years (750 BC - 735 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – Yes
He did what was pleasing to the Lord, but not like David.
Disobedient – No
1. Did not destroy pagan shrines.
Final Recorded allegiance – He rebuilt the upper gate of the Temple. He also did extensive rebuilding on the wall at the hill of Ophel. He built towns in the hill country of Judah and constructed fortresses and towers in the wooded areas. He went to war against the Ammonites and conquered them. They paid him a hefty tribute for the next 3 years. Jotham became powerful becusae he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord his God. King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel began to attack Judah during his reign.
King – Shallum
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 18 / 15th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assassinated Zechariah
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum
Years as King – 1 month (752 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. He was assassinated by Menahem.
King – Menahem
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 19 / 16th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assassinated Shallum
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem
Years as King – 10 years (752 BC - 732 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. He destroyed the town of Tappuah and all areas around it all the way to Tirzah becuase the citizens would not give him the town. He killed all the people and tore open the pregnant women. King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria invaded the land during this time. Menahem paid him 37 tons of silver to gain his support and tighten his grip on power in Israel. The money was raised by extorting the rich. Each person had to pay 50 pieces of silver to the King of Assyria. So Tiglath-pileser turned away from attacking.
King – Pekahiah
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 20 / 17th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Son of Menahem
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah
Years as King – 2 years (742 BC - 740 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. Assassinated by Pekah, son of Remaliah, the commander of Pekahiahs army. Pekah and 50 men conspired to kill Pekahiah.
King – Pekah
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 21 / 18th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assasinated Pekahiah. He was his Army Commander
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah
Years as King – 20 years (752 BC - 732 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. Assassinated Pekahiah to become king. King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria attacked Israel again and captured most of the remaining towns. Hoshea, son of Elah, then conspired against Pekah and assassinated him.
King – Hoshea
Start Age -
Tribe / Family – 10 Tribes of Israel. Ruled from Samaria
Order Sequence Historically – 22 / 19th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – Assassinated Pekah
Sequence – Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea
Years as King – 9 years (731 BC - 722 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Continued in the sin that Jeroboam started, meaning he didn't remove the golden calves and the altars.
Final Recorded allegiance - Disobedient. Assassinated Pekah to become king. King Shalmaneser of Assyria attacked Hoshea and forced him to pay a heavy tribute tax. Hoshea stopped paying the tax and reached out to King So of Egypt for help. When the King of Assyria learned of this, he put Hoshea in prison. Then Assyria invaded the entire land and for 3 years he besieged Samaria. Samaria fell in Hosheas 9th year and Israel was exiled to Assyria. They were settled in colonies in Halah and the banks of the Habor River in Gozan and in the cities of the medes.
The disaster happened because Israel worshipped other Gods. They followed the practices of the pagan nations. Built shrines to themselves in all the towns. They made (2) metal calves to worship under Jeroboam, the 1st king after Solomon and the split Kingdom. The people of Israel never turned back to God so they were all sent away. These Israelite families of the exile never returned to that land.
The King of Assyria transported large groups of people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and resettled them in the towns of Samaria, replacing the people of Israel. A priest was brought from exile to teach the new inhabitants of the land the Israelites were in about The Lord, as they all worshipped other Gods and some were eaten by Lions that The Lord sent. Many of these same people live there today.
King – Ahaz
Start Age – 20
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 16 / 12th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Jotham
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz
Years as King – 16 years (735 BC - 715 BC)
Prophets Involved – Obed
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. Did not destroy pagan shrines. He cast metal images for the worship of Baal.
2. He did not do what was pleasing to the Lord.
3. Sacrificed his own sons in the fire.
Final Recorded allegiance – King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel attacked Jerusalem. They besieged the town, but did not conquer Ahaz. Ahaz sent a messenger along with all the silver and gold and sent it to King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria to help with fight Israel and the Arameans. So Assyria attacked Damascus (Capital of the Arameans), captured its citizens and killed King Rezin.
Tiglath-pileser also attacked Ahaz instead of helping him. Ahaz gave valuable gifts from the temple, royal palace and homes of his officials to The King of Assyria as tribute, but it didn’t help at all.
Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser. When he was there, he made notes about the altar they worshipped on and sent the renderings back so a replica could be made. Ahaz removed the previous bronze altar in front of the temple and replaced it with the new pagan design. Then Ahaz removed the side panels and basins from the portable water carts and the giant bronze basin called the sea from the backs of the bronze oxen and placed it on the stone pavement. He also altered the canopy and outer entrance to the Temple in deference to the one in Assyria.
He shut the doors to The Lords temple so nobody could worship there. He broke various articles from the temple and set up new pagan altars. He was not buried in the royal cemetery.
King – Hezekiah
Start Age – 25
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 17 / 13th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Ahaz
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah
Years as King – 29 years (728 BC - 686 BC)
Prophets Involved – Isaiah
1. Told Hezekiah not to fear the Assyrian Kings message. He said the King will receive a message to return home, where he will be killed. As the king was attacking Libnah, he received a message that the Ethiopians and King Tirhakah were leading his armies against assyria.
2. Received an answer from The Lord regarding Hezekiahs prayer. The Lord said they would plant crops and eat from them and also that Assyrian armies will not enter Jerusalem or attack it. That night an angel of the Lord went to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.
3. When Hezekiah became deathly ill, Isaiah delivered a message to him. The Lord said that he would die soon and put his affairs in order. Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to The Lord to recover. Isaiah, while still in the courtyard, received another message from The Lord, so he went back to Hezekiah and said, The Lord has seen your tears and heard your prayer and will add 15 years to your life and I will rescue you from Assyria.
4. Isaiah had an ointment made from figs, it was spread on Hezekiahs boil, and he recovered.
5. The sign given to Hezekiah that we would recover was a choice of reflection on the sundial. Hezekiah asked Isaiah to have the sundial shadow go 10 steps backwards, which is opposite of normal. So that is what The Lord did on the sundial of Ahaz.
6. He asked Hezekiah what the men of Babylon wanted on their visit. When Hezekiah told him he showed him all his treasuries and palace and all of the amazing things. So, Isaiah told Hezekiah that a time was coming, when the Babylonians will come back and take everything and exile the people.
Obedient – Yes
1. He did what was pleasing to The Lord, like David.
2. He removed the pagan shrines and sacred pillars.
3. He cut down the asherah poles and broke up the bronze snake Moses had made because the people of Israel had been offering sacrifices to it. It was named Nehushtan.
Disobedient – No
Final Recorded allegiance – Obedient. In his 1st month of the 1st year of his reign, he opened the doors of the Temple and repaired them. There was no King like him among all the kings of Judah, before his time or after. He was faithful to The Lord in everything.
He revolted against the King of Assyria and refused to pay the tribute tax. He conquered the philistines. Assyria began the (3) siege Samaria and exiled the people of Israel in Hezekiah's 4th year as King of Judah. In Hezekiah's 6th year, Samaria fell and the people were exiled.
In Hezekiah's 14th year, Assyria attacked and conquered the fortified towns of Judah. King Sennacherib sent a demand message to Hezekiah while he was at Lachish for 11 tons of silver and 1 ton of gold. Hezekiah scrapped it all together and gave it to Sennacherib of Assyria, but Assyria attacked anyway. They set up a position beside the aquaduct that feeds water into the upper pool.
Hezekiah organized a huge work crew to stop the flow of the gihon springs outside the city. They cut off the brook that ran through the fields. Then he repaired the broken walls, etected towers and built a 2nd wall, outside of the 1st wall.
Then, Sennacheribs, chief of staff met with Hezekiahs staff and the assyrian staff member told the men of Judah not to rely on The Lord, as he was no match for them.
When Hezekiah received the news, he sought the Lord and send for the prophet Isaiah.
When he received a letter from Sennacherib, he laid it out before the Lord in the Temple and prayed. He received an answer via Isaiah.
King Sennacherib returned home, went to worship in his gods temple and was killed by his own sons with swords. The next King of Assyria was his son, Esarhaddon.
Hezekiah became deathly ill and Isaiah had a message from the Lord.
After he recovered, the son of the King of Babylon came to visit him and wish him well with a gift. Hezekiah showed them all of his stuff, palaces, treasuries, everything he could show off. Isaiah came and asked Hezekiah what these men wanted after they left town.
Isaiah told Hezekiah that a time was coming when the Babylonians will take everything and exile the people. Hezekiah thought to himself that was okay because it would be peaceful during his lifetime.
He built a pool and dug a tunnel to bring water into the city and other things.
He built special treasury buildings for his silver, gold, precious stones, spices and valuables and built many storehouses.
Buried in the upper area of the royal cemetery.
King – Manasseh
Start Age – 12
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 18 / 14th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Hezekiah
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh
Years as King – 55 years (696 BC - 642 BC) Father Hezekiah served as Co Kings until Manesseh became of age.
Prophets Involved – Isaiah / other
1. The Lord delivered a message via the prophets that Manasseh was evil and Jerusalem would have a disaster brought on them.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
2. He rebuilt the pagan shrines his father Hezekiah destroyed.
3. Constructed altars to Baal and set up an Asherah pole.
4. He bowed down and worshipped all the powers of heaven.
5. Setup pagan altars in the Lords temple.
6. Sacrificed his own son in the fire.
7. Practiced divination and sorcery, consulted mediums and psychics.
8. Murdered innocent people.
Final Recorded allegiance – Obedient. After all the evil and being taken away as a prisoner, he sincerely humbled himself before God and repented. God listened to him and brought him back to Jerusalem and Manasseh finally realized the the Lord alone is God.
He then rebuilt the outer walls of the city of David, from west of the Gihon spring in the Kidron valley to the east gate continuing around the hill of ophel. He built a very high wall. He removed the foreign idols in the temple and he tore down all the altars he had built. He then restored the altar of the Lord and sacrificed peace offerings and thanksgiving offerings. He also encouraged all the people to worship The Lord.
King – Amon
Start Age – 22
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 19 / 15th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Manesseh
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon
Years as King – 2 years (642 BC - 640 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
2. Followed all the evil of his father.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. He was assassinated in his own palace by his officials. Then the people of the land rebelled and killed all those that conspired against King Amon.
King – Josiah
Start Age – 8
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 20 / 16th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Amon
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon, Josiah
Years as King – 31 years (640 BC - 609 BC)
Prophets Involved – Huldah (female), wife of Shallum, keeper of the temple wardrobe. Jeremiah
1. She gave the Message from The Lord to the kings priests, that the disasters written about will happen, but not in the Kings lifetime because he humbled himself and repented.
Obedient – Yes
1. Tore down pagan altars and shrines.
2. Removed prostitution from inside the temple. They had an Asherah pole in there and danced in their woven coverings.
3. Destroyed monuments at the gate of the Governor of Jerusalem, Joshua.
4. Tore down pagan altars and statues.
5. Tore down the pagan shrine that Jeroboam set up at Bethel.
6. Destroyed the pagan shrines in Samaria as well.
7. Executed all pagan priests.
8. Declared orders to celebrate Passover.
9. Removed all mediums, psychics, idols.
Disobedient – No
Final Recorded allegiance – Obedient. Began seeking the Lord at 16 years old, his 8th year as King. In his 18th year, he has the collections taken at the Lords temple start to be used for repairs. Hilkiah, the high priest, also found the book of the law in the temple.
The law was read to Josiah and he was dismayed. He sent the priests to the temple to ask The Lord about the Law they found.
Josiah assembled all the elders of Jerusalem, the people, prophets and priests and read the entire book of the covenant that was found. He renewed the covenant and the people pledged to agree to be obedient to The Lord and his ways.
He told the Levites that were in charge of the Ark to bring it into the Temple and leave it there instead of carrying it back and forth from its storage area. He did this, so these men would be able to help with the peoples offerings and sacrifices for the festivals. They needed more people to help.
He held the largest Passover celebration since Samuel. None of the other Kings held one as large with everyone involved. This Passover occurred in the 18th year of his reign.
He turned to the Lord with all his heart and was obedient. But the lord was still angry because of evil Manasseh.
While Josiah was king, Pharaoh Neco of Egypt went to help the King of Assyria. Josiah decided to go and fight him, but Neco killed him at Megiddo. Neco told Josiah not to come to fight and that God told him to fight another nation and he also warned Josiah he would be killed if he interfered. Josiah refused to listen and turn back. Instead, Josiah disguised himself and led his army into battle at Megiddo. An enemy archer hit Josiah and wounded him. He died in Jerusalem and was buried in the Royal cemetery.
The prophet Jeremiah composed funeral songs for him.
King – Jehoahaz
Start Age – 23
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 21 / 17th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Josiah
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz
Years as King – 3 months (609 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Pharoah Neco put him in prison in Riblah in the land of Hamath to prevent him from ruling in Jerusalem. Neco also demanded Judah pay 7,500 pounds of silver and 75 pounds of gold as tribute tax.
Neco then installed Eliakim, another of Josiahs sons, to reign in place of his father and he changed his name to Jehoikim. Jehoahaz was taken to Egypt as a prisoner and died.
King – Eliakim (Jehoikim) - Name changed by Neco of Egypt
Start Age – 25
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 22 / 18th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Josiah – selected by Egypts Pharaoh Neco after he killed his father Josiah and exiled his other son Jehoahaz.
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Eliakim (Jehoikim)
Years as King – 11 Years (609 BC - 598 BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Neco of Egypt required a tax of all the people of Judah to be paid to him in proportion to their wealth.
King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah/ Jehoikim surrendered and paid him tribute tax money for 3 years, then stopped paying it.
The Lord then send many bands of raiders into Judah from Babylon, Aramean, Moabite, Ammonite as he promised.
King – Jehoiachin
Start Age – 18
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 23 / 19th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the son of Jehoikim
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Eliakim (Jehoikim), Jehoiachin
Years as King – 3 months (598 - 597BC)
Prophets Involved –
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. The King of Egypt no longer ventured out of his country after this as Babylon claimed and captured the entire area formerly claimed by Egypt, From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates River.
Nebuchadnezzar besieged the city and he was there himself.
In the 8th year of Nebuchadnezzar, he took Jehiachin prisoner and carried away the treasures of the temple and royal palace. He took all the gold objects and the people were exiled. Only the poorest people were left in Jerusalem.
The Babylon King then set up, as the next King, Jehoiachins uncle Mattaniah, but he changed his name to Zedekiah.
King – Mattaniah (Zedekiah) - King of Babylon changed his name
Start Age – 21
Tribe / Territory – Judah, Ruled from Jerusalem
Order Sequence Historically – 24 / 20th Post Solomon Kingdom Split
How selected – He is the uncle of Jehoiachin
Sequence – Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manesseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Eliakim (Jehoikim), Jehoiachin, Mattaniah (Zedekiah)
Years as King – 11 Years (597BC - 586BC)
Prophets Involved – Jeremiah
Jeremiah repeatedly warned Zedekiah to turn to The Lord, but Zedekiah refused.
After exile, the land was desolate for 70 years.
Obedient – No
Disobedient – Yes
1. He did what was evil in the Lords sight.
Final Recorded allegiance – Disobedient. Zedekiah rebelled against paying the King of Babylon the tribute tax, so on January 15th, during the 9th year of Zedekiahs reign, Nebuchadnezzar led his entire army against Jerusalem. They kept the city under siege until the 11th year of Zedekiah, (2) years.
By July 18th in the 11th year of Zedekiahs reign the famine was severe and there was no food. A section of the wall was broken and at nightfall, the troops and officials tried to escape.
On the plains of Jericho, the Babylonians overtook them. At Riblah, judgement was pronounced by the king of Babylon, so they slaughtered Zedekiahs kids in front of him, then gouged his eyes out, before putting him in chains to be brought to Babylon.
On August 14th of that year, year 19 of Nebuchadnezzar, the captain of his bodyguard arrived in Jerusalem and burned down the temple, the royal palace and all the houses in Jerusalem. He destroyed all the important buildings in the city.
Then he supervised as the walls were torn down on every side. Then he took all the remaining people as exiles except the poorest people.
They carried off all the bronze from the items that Solomon had made from the temple.