Books Of The Bible

The Old Testament

Genesis                  Ecclesiastes

Exodus               Song of Songs

Leviticus                   Isaiah

Numbers                 Jeremiah

Deuteronomy          Lamentations

Joshua                     Ezekiel

Judges                     Daniel

Ruth                        Hosea

1 Samuel                 Joel

2 Samuel                 Amos

1 Kings                    Obadiah

2 Kings                    Jonah

1 Chronicles            Micah

2 Chronicles            Nahum

Ezra                         Habakkuk

Nehemiah               Zephaniah

Esther                      Haggai

Job                          Zechariah

Psalms                     Malachi


Old Testament (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)


     Written by:  Moses
     Summary:  The story of how God created all things. The word genesis means "In the beginning." The lives of the people discussed are Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, 
Rebekah, Jacob and Joseph. The purpose of the book is to record God's creation of the world and to explain how much God loves his people.

     Timeline:  Written approx 1450 B.C. - 1410 B.C.



     Written by:  Moses

     Summary:  The written record of how God delivered his people from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. The lives of the people discussed are Moses, Miriam, Pharoah, Pharoah's daughter, Aaron and Joshua. The purpose of the book is to both record the historical account of Israel's slavery in Egypt and how God showed great power and miracles to force Pharaoh to release the Israelite's and also to present the Laws of God, The Ten Commandments to the Israelite's. Exodus is the historical account of the journey from Egypt to the Promised land.

     Timeline:  Written approx 1450 B.C. - 1410 B.C.


     Written by:  Moses

     Summary:  To provide instruction to the people of Israel how to live in a Holy manner according to the will of God. The main people discussed are Moses, Aaron, Nabab, Abihu,  Eleazer, 
Ithamar. The purpose of this book is to provide a historical account and also provide the laws set by God for the Israelite's. Leviticus largely establishes the relationship between the priests and the common people. This book shows how the sinful man can approach sinless God through the sacrifice of specific animals.

     Timeline:  Written approx 1445 B.C. - 1444 B.C.


     Written by:  Moses

     Summary:  Moses took a population census twice, thus the name Numbers. The main people discussed are Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Joshua, Caleb,
 Eleazer, Korah and Balaam. The purpose of this book is to provide a historical account of events and also to explain how the people sinned against God and were punished instead of entering the promised land.

      Timeline:  Written approx 1450 B.C. - 1410 B.C.


     Written by:  Moses

     Summary:  The name Deuteronomy means "second law." This book is very similar to Exodus in that it serves as a historical narrative and also to re-state the law for a second time to the people of Israel. The purpose of this book is to explain to the people what God expects of them and what their commitment is to God. This is the final book Moses wrote, before he dies Joshua is commissioned by God and Moses to lead the Israelite's into the promised land.

      Timeline:  Written approx 1407 B.C. - 1406 B.C.


     Written by:  Joshua

     Summary:  The book is a historical narrative written by Joshua. The main people discussed are Joshua, Rahab, Achan, Phinehas and
 Eleazer. This purpose of this book is to tell how the Israelite's entered the promised land and to show how God rewards obedience. The tribes of Israel led by God conquer the inhabitants of the land and divide the promise land into sections for each tribe of Israel.

      Timeline:  Written approx 1405 B.C. - 1383 B.C.


     Written by:  Officially Unknown (Samuel the Prophet is the likely author)

     Summary:  Judges follows the immediate history of what happens to Israel after taking possession of the promise land. The main people discussed are Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon,
 Abimelech,  Jephthah, Samson, and Delilah. The purpose of this book is too show how God is faithful to obedience and is certain to punish sin. God raises up Judges to save Israel from destruction several times in this book.

      Timeline:  Written approx 1086 B.C. - 1004 B.C.


     Written by:  Officially Unknown

     Summary:  This book is largely a story about love but also to make clear genealogy. The main people discussed are Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. This book is written to show how God rewards faithfulness and love and also to record the genealogy of King David in the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ.

      Timeline:  Written approx 1046 B.C. - 1035 B.C.

1 Samuel

     Written by:  Samuel (Prophet - Last of the Judges)

     Summary:  A historical narrative that records how the people wanted a King, but in the process lost focus of God. The main people discussed are Eli, Hannah, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan
 and David. This book is written to record how Saul was chosen as the first King but disobeyed God and lost favor. David would be chosen as the next King, a servant of God seeking for the Lord's will to be done.

      Timeline:  Written approx 930 B.C.

2 Samuel

     Written by:  Samuel (Prophet - Last of the Judges)

     Summary:  A historical narrative of the life of King David and the events of his reign. The main people discussed are David, Joab, Bathsheeba, Nathan
 and Absalom. This book was written to record the historical reign of King David demonstrating effective leadership when submitting to God. About half of the book discusses the success of David and the other half discusses the failures of David.

      Timeline:  Written approx 930 B.C.

1 Kings

     Written by:  Officially Unknown - Possibly The Profit Jeremiah

     Summary:  A historical narrative of the Kings of Israel. The main people discussed are David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam,
 Elijah, Ahab and Jezebel. The book was written to record the historical chronology of the Kings of Israel, the splitting of the kingdom and to compare the difference between those that serve God and those that do not.

      Timeline:   Written approx 560 B.C. - 538 B.C.

2 Kings

     Written by: Officially Unknown - Possibly The Profit Jeremiah

     Summary:  A historical narrative of the Kings of Israel. There are many people discussed including Elijah, Elisha, the woman from Shunem, Naaman, Jezebel, Jehu, Joash, Hezekiah,
 Sennacherib, Isaiah, Manasseh, Josiah,
 Jehoiakim, Zedekiah and Nebuchadnezzar. The book was written to record the historical chronology of the Kings of the divided kingdom, Israel and Judah and to demonstrate the fate of those who obey God and those who do not.

      Timeline:  Written approx 560 B.C. - 538 B.C.

1 Chronicles

     Written by: Most Likely The Prophet Ezra

     Summary:  Genealogy and historical narrative. The main people discussed are King David and Solomon. The book was written to provide the ancestry beginning with Adam and then goes on to discuss and review the reign of King David.

     Timeline:  Written approx 430 B.C. - Time Period Discussed approx 1000 B.C. - 960 B.C

2 Chronicles

     Written by: Most Likely The Prophet Ezra

     Summary:  Genealogy and historical narrative. The main people discussed are King Solomon, Queen of Sheba, Rehoboam, Asa, Jehoshaphat,
 Jehoram, Joash, Uzziah, Ahaz, Hezekiah,
 Manasseh, and Josiah. This book discusses the beginning of the Reign of King Solomon to the beginning of Babylonian captivity.

     Timeline:  Written approx 430 B.C. - Time Period Discussed approx 970 B.C. - 586 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Ezra

     Summary:  Genealogy and historical narrative. The main people discussed are Cyrus, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Darius I, Artaxeres I and Zerubbabel. The purpose of this book is to accurately detail the return of the Jews to Jerusalem after being in captivity in Babylon for 70 years. This book also specifically details the work done to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem after captivity.

     Timeline:  Written approx 440 B.C. - Time Period Discussed up to 450 B.C


     Written by:  Nehemiah

     Summary: Nehemiah was the Governor of Jerusalem and he wrote this book to record the events upon returning to Jerusalem from exile and also to specifically note how the Jews rebuilt the walls around the Temple. The main people discussed are Nehemiah, Ezra, Sanballet and Tobiah.

     Timeline:  Written approx 430 B.C.


     Written by:  Unknown (Possibly Mordecai - Esther's cousin)

     Summary: A narrative history. This book was written as a post-exile narrative regarding the Jews who stayed behind in Persia. God's love is demonstrated in how he saves the Jewish people by having Esther miraculously become the Queen. The main people discussed are Esther, Mordecai, King Xerxes and Haman.

     Timeline:  Written approx 470 B.C. (Esther became Queen in 479 B.C.)


     Written by:  Unknown (Possibly Job)

     Summary:  Job is a righteous man that God allows Satan to cause great torment and pain. Job loses everything but remains faithful to God. The purpose of this book is to show that no matter what circumstance life has you in, God is sovereign over everything. The main people discussed are Job, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite and Elihu the Buzite.

     Timeline:  Written approx 2100 B.C. - 1800 B.C. - Possibly the Oldest Book of the Bible


     Written by:  King Solomon

     Summary:  This is mostly an autobiographical book written by Solomon late in his life. He reflects on his life's experiences and efforts to find the truths about life. This book is full of wisdom, sayings and the thoughts of the wisest person whoever lived. He discusses his mistakes and wanted to help future generations live a life based on the right purpose instead of toiling away in meaningless activities.

     Timeline:  Written approx 935 B.C.

Song of Songs

     Written by:  King Solomon

     Summary:  This is a love poem written by Solomon with small shorter poems written within the larger poem. It is a love story about a groom falling in love with his bride. The main people discussed within the writing is King Solomon, the Shulammite girl and some friends.

     Timeline:  Written approx 970 B.C. - 930 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Isaiah

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and contains some of the most amazing prophetic messages written including the very clearly depicted coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and also provides a clear picture for the coming reign of King Jesus on earth. Isaiah is considered a major profit book of the bible, not because his prophecies are greater than anyone else but rather because of the clear detail and volume of his writings. 

     Timeline:  Written approx 700 B.C. - 681 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Jeremiah

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic messages. Jeremiah was a priest that God called to be his prophet. He warned of the coming destruction they were about to face and urged Judah to return to God. Jeremiah records the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 586 B.C. because King Hezekiah refused to be obedient to God and listen to Jeremiah's warning. The main people discussed are Jeremiah, multiple kings of Judah, Baruch, King Nebuchadnezzar and the Rechabites.

     Timeline:  Written approx 626 B.C. - 586 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Jeremiah

     Summary:  This is a book of sorrowful songs or poems. The name lamentations comes from the word "lament" which is to express grief. Jeremiah was in great sorrow after the fall of Jerusalem. He was an eye witness and expressed his grief through these writings.

     Timeline:  Written near 586 B.C. (The fall of Jerusalem)


     Written by:  The Prophet Ezekiel

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic messages. This book contains clearly defined dates for historical accuracy. Ezekiel is a priest called by God to deliver his messages. The main people discussed are Ezekiel, Israel's leaders, Ezekiel's wife and King Nebuchadnezzar. This book mainly discusses the events during the captivity of the people of Israel in Babylon.

     Timeline:  Written approx 571 B.C.


     Written by:  The Prophet Daniel

     Summary:  This is a narrative history, prophetic messaging and apocalyptic visions. Daniel was a servant during the Babylon captivity. This book provides a historical account of how God protected and took care of his faithful followers in captivity. Daniel writes in detail about his own life during his years of captivity including the visions God gave him. The main people discussed are Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach,
 Meshach and Abednego, Belshazzar 
and Darius.

     Timeline:  Written approx 530 B.C.


     Written by:  The Prophet Hosea

     Summary:  This is a shorter book written by one of God's prophets. It is a narrative history and prophetic messages. This book records the fall of the Northern Kingdom in Israel and describes God's never ending love for his sinful people. The main people discussed are Hosea, Gomer and their children.

     Timeline:  Written approx 715 B.C. (The events recorded are between 753 B.C. - 715 B.C.)


     Written by:  The Prophet Joel

     Summary:  This book is both a narrative and prophetic messaging. It was written before the fall of either Kingdom. The main purpose was to call the people of the Southern Kingdom to repent before they face destruction. The main people discussed are Joel and the people of Judah.

     Timeline:  Written approx 841 B.C. - 835 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Amos

     Summary:  The purpose of this book was to announce the judgement of God on the Northern Kingdom (Israel). God raised up Amos as an act of mercy to people that continually disobey him. This is the first prophetic book of the bible that was written.

     Timeline:  Written approx 750 B.C. 


     Written by:  The Prophet Obadiah

     Summary:  This is a book of prophetic messages. This is the shortest book of the bible consisting of only 21 verses. The name Obadiah means "servant of Yahweh."The purpose of this book is to show that God will judge all those against his children. The main people discussed are the Edomites - which is the nation of Edom - which is really Esau - the descendants of the brother of Jacob.

     Timeline:  Written approx 590 B.C (specific time of writing is difficult to gauge from the text)


     Written by:  The Prophet Jonah

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic message. It was written before Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom. The main people discussed are Jonah, the captain and ship's crew and the people of Nineveh (ancient Assyrian city near modern day Northern Iraq). The purpose of the book is to show that God is gracious and forgiving. Jonah did not want to deliver God's message at first and tried to run. God had him thrown from a ship and swallowed by a large fish where Jonah lived for 3 days and 3 nights before being coughed out.

     Timeline:  Written approx 785 B.C. - 760 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Micah

     Summary:  This book is a prophetic message. It was written before the Northern Kingdom fell in 722 B.C. The purpose of this book is to proclaim judgement on both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. It was written during the time of Isaiah. The main people discussed are the people of Samaria and Jerusalem.

     Timeline:  Written approx 742 B.C. - 686 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Nahum

     Summary:  This book is a prophetic message. The purpose of this book is for God to declare a final warning and judgement on Ninevah. Jonah was the first to deliver this message about 120 years earlier. The message of Nahum was neglected.

     Timeline:  Written approx 663 B.C. - 612 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Habakkuk

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic message. This was written just before the fall of Judah (Southern Kingdom). This is a short book written for the purpose of delivering a message of judgement on the people. The main people discussed are Habakkuk and the people of Babylon.

     Timeline:  Written approx 612 B.C. - 589 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Zephaniah

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic message. This was written before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. The purpose was to warn of coming judgement.

     Timeline:  Written approx 630 B.C.


     Written by:  The Prophet Haggai

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history and prophetic message. This book was written after the exile in Babylon. It is one of the most time specific books written. The purpose of this book is that Haggai was called by God to encourage his people to finish the construction of the temple in Jerusalem.

     Timeline:  Written approx 520 B.C.


     Written by:  The Prophet Zechariah

     Summary:  This book is a narrative history, prophetic message and apocalyptic. This book was written after the exile in two different time periods. Part of the book was written before the temple was complete and part of the book was written after the temple was finished. The purpose of this book was to encourage the people remaining because their faith was weak and they didn't have motivation to build the temple. The main people discussed are Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Joshua.

     Timeline:  Written approx 520 B.C. - 480 B.C


     Written by:  The Prophet Malachi

     Summary:  This is the last book of the old testament. It is a prophetic message. The purpose of the book is to ensure the hearts of the Jews was correct and keeping God first in their life. The main people discussed are Malachi and the priests.

     Timeline:  Written approx 430 B.C.


     Written by:  Multiple Authors (David wrote 73, Asaph wrote 12, the sons of Korah wrote 9, Solomon wrote 3, Ethan and Moses (#90) each wrote 1. 51 of the Psalms are anonymous.

     Summary:  The Psalms are expressions to God that share joy, blessings, difficulties and prayers. The main theme of the Psalms is praise to God.

     Timeline:  Written across the span of 900 years from 1440 B.C. through 586 B.C.


     Written by:  Solomon is the main author of the Proverbs, however, Lemuel and Agur wrote some of the latter proverbs

     Summary:  Proverbs provide Wisdom. They are short and easy to remember truths of God provided to Solomon when he prayed to God for Wisdom.

     Timeline:  Written approx 970 B.C. - 930 B.C

New Testament (Written as Testimony about the Life and Truth after Jesus ascended to Heaven)


     Written by:  The Apostle Matthew also named Levi

     Summary:  The Gospel of Matthew (Revelation of Jesus) that contains genealogy, parables, sermons and prophetic message. The main people discussed are Jesus Christ, his parents Mary and Joseph, the prophet John the Baptist, the twelve disciples and other leaders. This book was written to show Jesus Christ as Lord from the genealogical family line of King David. It was also written to tell the Jews that Jesus is in fact the Lord that was written about from the Old Testament and is the Messiah.

     Timeline:  Written approx 48 A.D. - 50 A.D.


     Written by:  John Mark

     Summary:  The Gospel of Mark (Revelation of Jesus) contains narrative history, parables, sermons and prophetic message. The main people discussed are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Jewish religious leaders, Pilate, and John the Baptist. John Mark was one of the missionaries who traveled with Paul and Barnabas. Mark also traveled with Peter in Rome. The purpose of this book is to show Jesus as Lord, the son of God, was sent to suffer to restore mankind.

     Timeline:  Written approx 64 A.D.


     Written by:  Luke

     Summary:  The Gospel of Luke (Revelation of Jesus)  contains narrative history, genealogy, parables, sermons and prophetic message. This book contains more parables than any other book (19). Luke was a Doctor and a Greek Christian that traveled with Paul on mission trips. The phrase "son of man" is used 80 times. The main people discussed are Jesus Christ, His parents Mary and Joseph, the Twelve Disciples, John the Baptist, King Herod, Jewish religious leaders, and Pilate. In Luke's own words, (1:3-4)"since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you... so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."

     Timeline:  Written approx 59 A.D. - 61 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle John Boanerges, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of James, the Apostle.

     Summary:  The Gospel of John (Revelation of Jesus) contains narrative history, parables, sermons and prophetic message. The main people discussed are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Lazarus, his sisters Mary and Martha, Jewish religious leaders, and Pilate. The gospel of John uses the word "believe" 98 times. This book was written for all people to know Jesus is the son of God and believing in him will give you eternal life.

     Timeline:  Written approx 85 A.D. - 95 A.D.


     Written by:  Luke

     Summary:  The book of Acts describes the "Acts" of the Apostles through the work of the Holy Spirit. The main people discussed are Peter, Paul, John, James, Stephen,
 Barnabas, Timothy, Lydia, Silas, and Apollos. This book was written to record how believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     Timeline:  Written approx 60 A.D. - 62 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the believers in Rome, hence the name Romans. The only people mentioned in the letter are the Apostle Paul and Phoebe who delivered the letter. This book provides answers to critical questions such as salvation, God's sovereignty, spiritual growth, judgments and the righteousness of God. Paul wanted to give the Romans a concrete basis in which to build their faith and serve God.

     Timeline:  Written approx 56 A.D. - 57 A.D.

1 Corinthians

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the church of Corinth founded by Paul, (located in South-Central Greece about 50 miles West of Athens). The people written about are the Apostle Paul, Timothy and also Chloe’s household. Paul wrote this letter to try and correct the immorality and divisions that developed among them.

     Timeline:  Written approx 56 A.D.

2 Corinthians

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the church of Corinth. The people written about are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Titus. Paul wrote this letter to defend his teachings and to warn against false teachers.

     Timeline:  Written approx 56 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the churches of Galatia (Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe), founded by Paul, (located in modern day Turkey). The people written about are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. Paul wrote this letter to deal with the issue of circumcision and the Jewish law in regard to gentile believers.

     Timeline:  Written approx 49 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul - written while Paul was in prison

     Summary:  A letter (Prison Epistle) written by Paul to the church he started at Ephesus (located in modern day Western Turkey). The people mentioned in the letter are the Apostle Paul and Tychicus. The letter was written to encourage followers of Jesus to be fruitful and to serve in unity.

     Timeline:  Written approx 60 A.D. - 62 A.D


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul - written while Paul was in prison

     Summary:  A letter (Prison Epistle) written by Paul to the church he started at Philippi (located in East Macedonia in modern day Greece). The people mentioned in the letter are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus, Euodia, and Syntyche. This letter was written to show thankfulness and appreciation for their support and continued help.

     Timeline:  Written approx 62 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul - written while Paul was in prison

     Summary:  A letter (Prison Epistle) written by Paul to the church his disciple Epaphras started at Colossae, an ancient city in Phrygia (located in modern day Turkey). The people mentioned are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, and Epaphras. The people were mixing Christian teachings and Greek theology together. This letter was written to respond to heretical teaching and also to encourage the believers.

     Timeline:  Written approx 60 A.D. - 62 A.D

1 Thessalonians

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the church at Thessalonica, founded by Paul, (located in Macedonia in modern day Northern Greece). The people mentioned in the letter are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Silas. Paul wrote this letter to encourage the believers and he speaks about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Timeline:  Written approx 52 A.D. - 54 A.D

2 Thessalonians

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to the church at Thessalonica, written a few months after the first letter.  The people mentioned in the letter are the Apostle Paul, Silas, and Timothy. This letter was written to emphasize the second coming of Jesus Christ. The people at Thessalonica thought that Jesus had already returned, so Paul sent the letter to clear this up.

     Timeline:  Written approx 52 A.D. - 54 A.D

1 Timothy

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Pastoral Epistle - a letter to a church leader) written by Paul to Timothy. Paul wrote this letter to give encouragement and leadership guidelines to a young pastor named Timothy at the church in Ephesus.

     Timeline:  Written approx 62 A.D.

2 Timothy

     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Pastoral Epistle - a letter to a church leader) written by Paul to Timothy. The purpose of this letter was to give direction to Timothy and urge him to visit one last time. From the somber nature of this letter, it is apparent that Paul knew that his work was finished and that his life was coming to an end. This is most likely Paul's final letter.

     Timeline:  Written approx 67 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul

     Summary:  A letter (Pastoral Epistle - a letter to a church leader) written by Paul to Titus. Titus was a Greek believer on the island of Crete. Paul wrote this letter to encourage and guide the young pastor in dealing with the sinful nature of men and false teachers.

     Timeline:  Written approx 66 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle Paul - written while Paul was in prison

     Summary:  A letter (Prison Epistle) written by Paul to Philemon as a plea to request forgiveness for his runaway servant Onesimus, who was a new believer in Jesus Christ. 

     Timeline:  Written approx 61 A.D.


     Written by:  Possibly The Apostle Paul or Barnabas

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Paul to Jewish Christians. This letter was written to a group of Christians under extreme pressue to return to Judaism. The letter presents Jesus as perfect and far superior than the old covenant.

     Timeline:  Written approx 67 A.D.


     Written by:  The Apostle James (Half brother of Jesus and brother of Jude)

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by James to Jewish Christians. He was encouraging the believers to be bold in their faith. This letter provides information for practical Christian living.

     Timeline:  Written approx 48 A.D. - 49 A.D

1 Peter

     Written by:  The Apostle Peter

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Peter to all believers. The people mentioned in Peter's letter are the Apostle Peter, Silas, and Mark. The purpose of this letter was to encourage suffering Christians and also to call them to personal holiness. The letter was written to the Christians living in Asia minor (present day Turkey).

     Timeline:  Written approx 60 A.D.

2 Peter

     Written by:  The Apostle Peter

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Peter to all believers. The only people mentioned in this letter are the Apostles Peter and Paul. The purpose of this letter was to warn against the increasing number of false teachers attacking the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     Timeline:  Written approx 63 A.D. - 64 A.D

1 John

     Written by:  The Apostle John Boanerges, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of James, the Apostle.

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by John to all believers. The people mentioned in this letter are the Apostles Peter and Paul. The purpose of this letter was to warn about the increasing threat of false teachings and to reassure Christians of their faith and love in Jesus Christ. John provides specific ways in which to measure your conversion in Christ.

     Timeline:  Written approx 85 A.D. - 95 A.D

2 John

     Written by:  The Apostle John Boanerges, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of James, the Apostle.

     Summary:   A letter (Epistle) written by John to all believers. The purpose for this letter is to tell the believers not to lose focus of Jesus Christ. John tells the believers that the children of God may abide in the truth and the truth in them.

     Timeline:  Written approx 85 A.D. - 95 A.D

3 John

     Written by:  The Apostle John Boanerges, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of James, the Apostle.

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by John to all believers. The people mentioned in this letter are the Apostle John, Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius. This is the shortest book (letter) in the new testament. It was written to praise Gaius and Demetrius for their faithful service.

     Timeline:  Written approx 85 A.D. - 95 A.D


     Written by:  The Apostle Jude (Half brother of Jesus and brother of James)

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by Jude to all believers.  The purpose of this book is to address false teachings and to illustrate the contrast between heresy and the truth of Jesus Christ.

     Timeline:  Written approx 75 A.D.


     Written by:   The Apostle John Boanerges, son of Zebedee and Salome, brother of James, the Apostle.

     Summary:  A letter (Epistle) written by John while a prisoner on the island of Patmos. This letter is apocolyptic and prophetic message. The purpose of this letter is to give encouragement and hope for all Christians to continue watching for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and also is to warn of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure on the last day.

     Timeline:  Written approx 85 A.D. - 95 A.D