The Team

ARK Leadership Team


Curtis Fletcher is the Founder and CEO of ARK Of The Family and serves on The Board of Directors. He began his career at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics after graduating from the University of North Texas in 2001, before moving into Real Estate and Land Development.

Over the years, Curtis has also been actively involved in the community working with Habitat for Humanity, the Junior Achievement Program, All Pro Dads - Elementary Team Captain, The Special Olympics, visiting kids at The Ronald McDonald House, and also served as a Real Estate Legislative Contact and has worked with many Local, State and U.S. elected officials to try and create a better society. He also enjoyed bringing Holiday Cheer to elementary schools when his three kids were still young by surprising them, dressed as an Elf, landing at their school in a helicopter and meeting all the students.

He also served as the Executive Vice President of a Non-Profit, working with Veterans and 1st Responders. During his tenure, hundreds of Veterans and 1st responders suffering with PTSD received free counseling and over 650 Golf Tournaments were organized and held across the United States all of which were free for Veterans and 1st Responders.

Curtis was born just outside of Detroit, in 1977. He was raised, along with one of his five sisters, by a hard working single mother and he spent much time with his grandmother as well. His mother worked hard to make ends meet each month as there was not any other financial support provided. He did not meet his father until later in life. Shortly after graduating high school, he was living in his car.

He worked many jobs in his youth to afford an apartment and pay for the basic necessities of day to day life, while always looking for a way to stop the issue of not having enough money. After an injury at work, a couple of years later, he lost the ability to earn enough income to afford rent. Just a few days short of being without a residence again, Curtis received a call from a friend about a potential scholarship opportunity at The University of North Texas. He drove to the school the next morning, immediately received a partial scholarship, which further developed into a full scholarship, and he graduated with a Business degree in 2001.

He has three kids, Kirsten, Ryan and Addison in order of oldest to youngest. In reverse order, their initials are A.R.K.

After another series of life changing events, he was without a residence once more. Though Curtis always believed in God, he didn't dedicate his life to Christ until he was saved by revelation through a direct encounter with The Lord, King Jesus. During this period of extreme faith growing and learning with Jesus, Curtis began to live completely by the voice of The Holy Spirit to learn discernment, to learn the Word and to become obedient and faithful in every way.

He has lived under counsel of The Holy Spirit since the year 2013, seeking only to do The Lord's will in each situation, to walk out The Truth of The Way.