The Daily WORD

I AM Speaking
Open your mind to the vastness and fullness of God. Hear the words of King Jesus and accept them as truth. To love your neighbor is to love Christ. To...
I AM Speaking
Open your mind to the vastness and fullness of God. Hear the words of King Jesus and accept them as truth. To love your neighbor is to love Christ. To...

Trust Me
Bring all thoughts that pass through you to God. Ask the Lord for discernment so that you will understand the voices that are within and identify them properly such that...
Trust Me
Bring all thoughts that pass through you to God. Ask the Lord for discernment so that you will understand the voices that are within and identify them properly such that...

Look For Me
Rest not on your own understanding but Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. God has created you to need and depend on him - He is available...
Look For Me
Rest not on your own understanding but Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. God has created you to need and depend on him - He is available...

Let It All Go
Ask not to be free from being tired - but rather to be renewed in his grace. The Spirit of the Lord gives all things - worry not of being...
Let It All Go
Ask not to be free from being tired - but rather to be renewed in his grace. The Spirit of the Lord gives all things - worry not of being...

Your Way Is Planned
To be Holy is a choice. To be cleansed by God is a conscious act of willingness to be made one with Christ by removing all things not related to...
Your Way Is Planned
To be Holy is a choice. To be cleansed by God is a conscious act of willingness to be made one with Christ by removing all things not related to...

The Way Is Good
Faith action is living for God without set timetables for results. In Christ - we are to always be praying and speaking with him in the spirit - seeking him...
The Way Is Good
Faith action is living for God without set timetables for results. In Christ - we are to always be praying and speaking with him in the spirit - seeking him...