The Daily WORD

Turn to God and hear his voice. Speak back and allow the Lord to pour into you himself such that you will love and walk for him. The will of...
Turn to God and hear his voice. Speak back and allow the Lord to pour into you himself such that you will love and walk for him. The will of...

The Holy Spirit Is Love
Jesus is overwhelming love as God is love. He comforts through all pain - He is hope as he is the resurrected Lord that has overcome the world. He conquered...
The Holy Spirit Is Love
Jesus is overwhelming love as God is love. He comforts through all pain - He is hope as he is the resurrected Lord that has overcome the world. He conquered...

Priority Check
God does not need you to fight for him. He needs you to be humble and meek such that you are able and willing to hear his small voice within...
Priority Check
God does not need you to fight for him. He needs you to be humble and meek such that you are able and willing to hear his small voice within...

Pursue Properly
There is no thing the Lord cannot do or provide at his appointed time - rest easy in your mind by directing all of your thoughts to his truth. God...
Pursue Properly
There is no thing the Lord cannot do or provide at his appointed time - rest easy in your mind by directing all of your thoughts to his truth. God...

Always Here
Jesus is alive and available to you right now. Focus on Jesus and your relationship to him in each situation and each situation will be prepared by God. When you...
Always Here
Jesus is alive and available to you right now. Focus on Jesus and your relationship to him in each situation and each situation will be prepared by God. When you...

Stay With Me
Set your mind to Jesus and his unlimited power. Stay in constant inner dialogue with Christ knowing that he is working in you and for you in your current situation...
Stay With Me
Set your mind to Jesus and his unlimited power. Stay in constant inner dialogue with Christ knowing that he is working in you and for you in your current situation...