The Daily WORD

Magnify The Light

Magnify The Light

The Lord creates you new in him - so the old you must go - in Jesus replacing your spirit of man with his - he breaks down the old...

Magnify The Light

The Lord creates you new in him - so the old you must go - in Jesus replacing your spirit of man with his - he breaks down the old...

The Work Is Complete

The Work Is Complete

His love bore more pain than any man should bear, and his love conquered all the world. It is only in our risen Lord - Christ Jesus do we find...

The Work Is Complete

His love bore more pain than any man should bear, and his love conquered all the world. It is only in our risen Lord - Christ Jesus do we find...

The Key To A New Life

The Key To A New Life

Justify yourself not by praise of man but by affliction in the name of the Lord. 

The Key To A New Life

Justify yourself not by praise of man but by affliction in the name of the Lord. 

Genius Planning

Genius Planning

The genius from God in us is that through Jesus - he lives in us - speaking, hearing, seeing, loving. God is a spirit - he created you in his...

Genius Planning

The genius from God in us is that through Jesus - he lives in us - speaking, hearing, seeing, loving. God is a spirit - he created you in his...

Filling Up

Filling Up

Through trusting Jesus and being obedient to his new spirit in you - your individual personality gets squeezed out as Jesus fills more of you with the spirit of God.

Filling Up

Through trusting Jesus and being obedient to his new spirit in you - your individual personality gets squeezed out as Jesus fills more of you with the spirit of God.

Faith Is Not Rational

Faith Is Not Rational

Obedience through faith allows the Lord to fill you with his promise to you.

Faith Is Not Rational

Obedience through faith allows the Lord to fill you with his promise to you.