The Daily WORD

No Alternate Choice
Understand we live for God's Plan - Not the individual plan of man. One man lived - one man died - one man rose again to free man from the...
No Alternate Choice
Understand we live for God's Plan - Not the individual plan of man. One man lived - one man died - one man rose again to free man from the...

Now Is The Day
There is no means by which men can impact the spirit of the most high God. Only through Christ Jesus is this possible and only through giving your life is the...
Now Is The Day
There is no means by which men can impact the spirit of the most high God. Only through Christ Jesus is this possible and only through giving your life is the...

Seek the Lords plan and surrender your heart to the cross of Christ Jesus. It is at the cross the new spirit and heart of man was born and delivered...
Seek the Lords plan and surrender your heart to the cross of Christ Jesus. It is at the cross the new spirit and heart of man was born and delivered...

Victory Day
Nothing is possible without the cross of Jesus Christ. The Lord lives today - but only because he took his divine and heavenly love for us - to the cross...
Victory Day
Nothing is possible without the cross of Jesus Christ. The Lord lives today - but only because he took his divine and heavenly love for us - to the cross...

Understanding Patience
The Lord Jesus is with you in all moments - but he is not in a future situation with you in your mind - so rebuke thoughts of future disdain...
Understanding Patience
The Lord Jesus is with you in all moments - but he is not in a future situation with you in your mind - so rebuke thoughts of future disdain...