The Daily WORD

Passion For Christ
The Lord Jesus provides you his Holy Spirit when you ask for forgiveness of your sins, turn from your ways and through faith follow him. The Holy Spirit is the...
Passion For Christ
The Lord Jesus provides you his Holy Spirit when you ask for forgiveness of your sins, turn from your ways and through faith follow him. The Holy Spirit is the...

Becoming Teachable
Make yourself right with God - then pray without ceasing. The prayers of a righteous person - a person in right standing with God - are powerful and effective. The...
Becoming Teachable
Make yourself right with God - then pray without ceasing. The prayers of a righteous person - a person in right standing with God - are powerful and effective. The...

Internal Voices
The things in which God speaks to you - work them out in practice as the intention is for the Word and Love of God be used to benefit and...
Internal Voices
The things in which God speaks to you - work them out in practice as the intention is for the Word and Love of God be used to benefit and...

Heavenly Calm
Peace belongs to the Lord, and it accompanies him everywhere. Personal decisions without the Lord bring forth anxiety, fear, confusion and discouragement. The Holy Spirit will guide all of your...
Heavenly Calm
Peace belongs to the Lord, and it accompanies him everywhere. Personal decisions without the Lord bring forth anxiety, fear, confusion and discouragement. The Holy Spirit will guide all of your...

Being The Conduit
Pray for the Lords will to be done in another's life - pray not for people to see things your way but in the way in which the Lord has...
Being The Conduit
Pray for the Lords will to be done in another's life - pray not for people to see things your way but in the way in which the Lord has...

Giver Of Life
Your way stands in the way of being in The Way of Christ. Love is what alters your personality and identifies your flesh with Christ.
Giver Of Life
Your way stands in the way of being in The Way of Christ. Love is what alters your personality and identifies your flesh with Christ.