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Teaching The Word

Teaching The Word

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Teaching and helping small groups or large groups in homes, churches or other gathering locations to help people understand The Lord, The Bible and The Holy Spirit.

Since the year the Lord Jesus revealed himself to me by revelation in 2013, I left the way of the world behind and have lived under counsel of The Holy Spirit - being molded by faith and obedience being taught "The Way" by The Holy Spirit. The Lord himself is immense Love. From the moment of the Revelation of Jesus Christ I have been abandoned to him. 

The Holy Spirit works through people as Jesus showed us with his life. Jesus is The Truth, The Way and The Life. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a servant of "The Way," The Holy Spirit provides the continual living wisdom to live today as his disciple.  

It is the power of your faith in Jesus Christ that brings the power of God into your life. 

God is Love - God is a Spirit - Jesus is the Son of God - Jesus gave God his Father his Holy Spirit at the Cross of Victory 

Through Faith in Jesus - Asking for forgiveness of your sins - Baptism by Water in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit - Choosing The Way of Jesus - A new Spirit is born in you to help you live - The Holy Spirit of Jesus 

 The Father is The Son through The Holy Spirit 

Jesus walked to the cross on purpose for the purpose of completing his mission. He was the lamb written about to fulfill scripture - to be a sacrifice for our sins - AND to break the veil between man and God - His Blood was the sacrifice for our sins - His Spirit allows us to speak with God - Jesus is the connection through The Holy Spirit. 

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