The Daily WORD

Freedom Or Slavery
Jesus breaks this slave bondness to the world and sets you free into his will - which is the truth in freedom - peace - love. He will birth your...
Freedom Or Slavery
Jesus breaks this slave bondness to the world and sets you free into his will - which is the truth in freedom - peace - love. He will birth your...

Nothing Can Separate
The Lord's desire is to bring you into a perfect relationship with him. This comes through the absolute surrender to Jesus will - in your life.
Nothing Can Separate
The Lord's desire is to bring you into a perfect relationship with him. This comes through the absolute surrender to Jesus will - in your life.

Submit Or Deny
A oneness of spirit with God can only occur through the denial of oneself. For symbiotic perfection from heaven - there must be one Holy Spirit of Christ in the...
Submit Or Deny
A oneness of spirit with God can only occur through the denial of oneself. For symbiotic perfection from heaven - there must be one Holy Spirit of Christ in the...

Identity Change
The Lord wants you to know that when you call on Jesus as Savior and accept his spirit - he is Always with you.
Identity Change
The Lord wants you to know that when you call on Jesus as Savior and accept his spirit - he is Always with you.

Belief In Action
Faith in Jesus is knowing that belief in him will overcome everything, because he already defeated the enemy.
Belief In Action
Faith in Jesus is knowing that belief in him will overcome everything, because he already defeated the enemy.

Faith Only
Jesus Christ is as real and alive today as when he visibly walked and lived on the earth. It is your belief in him and what he did at the...
Faith Only
Jesus Christ is as real and alive today as when he visibly walked and lived on the earth. It is your belief in him and what he did at the...