

“From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near."



The Holy Ghost allows you to see. In this process of becoming clean through repentance for Jesus, you are literally transformed in the Spirit. The Spirit reveals what was previously unknown.

The Spirit shows you the truth of the flesh and of the Spirit. As you are made whole through Jesus, your unworthiness and weakness are revealed - in this period - you gain heavenly strength as Jesus conquered all. To do such you must first become clean through Jesus. It is your new foundation, of which all can be done.

Repentance is the moment at which you realize you are unworthy and weak. It is when you know you alone can go forward no more. The gate for which Jesus enters your life is the one of repentance and acceptance. If you have not reached the point of repentance to change to the way of Jesus - you have not decided to accept Jesus as Lord of your life. 


“Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.” Acts 3:19

“Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” Romans 2:4

“For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10

“There is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.” Luke 15:10


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