Prepared In Advance

Prepared In Advance

“So David asked God, “Should I go out to fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?” The Lord replied, “Yes, go ahead. I will hand them over to you.”



It is in the quiet time, removed from the hustle and wishing ways of the world where the Lord does his work in you. He fills you with wisdom in struggle - with knowledge in hardship.

The Lord calls on you to come to him first - before you attempt in the world. It is with him privately he fills you - for this communion you must devote your time and life to Christ Jesus. The battle is won in private - repeated into the world.

Many battles are taken up without God as the centerpiece for victory. Never take up a battle without first reconciling the situation with God. Sort the battle out with God privately before taking up the fight. The Lord of Heavens Armies fights for his people and if God is with you, who can stand against you? 


“I have been taking care of my father’s sheep and goats,” he said. “When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and rescue the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I’ll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” 1 Samuel 17:34-37

“Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:7-8

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8

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